Embark on an enchanting journey into the diverse world of animal eating habits! This non-fiction gem introduces eleven fascinating animals, from the peculiar platypus to the voracious elephant. Award-winning illustrator Katarina Macurova brings whimsical illustrations to life, portraying the peculiarities of each creature's eating style. Readers will discover the unique habitats of these animals and explore the whimsical ways they consume their meals. Dive into the underwater realm of the platypus, witness the colossal appetite of the elephant, and marvel at the varied dining techniques of creatures like fleas, chimpanzees, and hummingbirds. Through vibrant visuals and engaging storytelling, this book offers an immersive and educational exploration of the captivating world of animal eaters.
- Publisher: Albatross Media
Publication date:
- ISBN: 9788000072838
Page extent:
- Format: Hardback
270 mm x 229 mm
Age: 3-6