Hollywood Ending
What was at the root of Weinstein's monstrousness? How and why was it never checked? Why the silence? How much is this a story about Harvey Weinstein, and how much is this a story about Hollywood and power? In pursuit of the answers, Auletta digs into Weinstein's childhood in search of the mysteries beneath a film career unparalleled for its extraordinary talent and creative success combined with a personal brutality and viciousness that left a trail of ruined lives in its wake. Hollywood Ending is an unflinching examination of Weinstein's life and career. Not simply a prosecutor's litany of crimes, it embeds them in the context of the movie business, his failures and the successes that led to enormous power. Film stars, Miramax employees and board members, old friends and family—all talked to Auletta at length. Weinstein also responded to Auletta's questions. The result is not simply the portrait of a predator but of the power that allowed Weinstein to operate with such impunity for so many years, the spiderweb in which his victims found themselves trapped.
  • Publisher: Penguin Press US
  • Publication date: 12/07/2022
  • ISBN: 9781984878373
  • Page extent: 480
  • Format: Hardback
  • Dimensions: 237 mm x 155 mm
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