The First Ten Years
in 2009, Joseph Fink had just moved to New York City from the west coast. He was 22, broke, making ends meet with odd jobs, and volunteering with the New York Neo-Futurists so he could snag free tickets to their shows. Meg Bashwiner was also 22. Living with her parents in New Jersey, she commuted to NYC to intern for the Neo-Futurists as an actress. Meg and Joseph met selling tickets to a show and became quick friends. By the end of the first year knowing each other, they were a couple. In this unforgettable memoir, Meg and Joseph take turns sharing their memory of each year of their ten-year relationship. Sometimes, they remember things differently. Beautifully, they sometimes remember the exact same details. A feat considering the two of them wrote this book solo, only showing each other their renditions when they were entirely finished. The First Ten Years is a story of two individuals finding their way in the world and becoming "adults" all while coming in to their own as part of a couple, and all the beautiful and complicated feelings that entails.
  • Publisher: Harper Perennial US
  • Publication date: 11/05/2021
  • ISBN: 9780063027251
  • Page extent: 224
  • Format: Paperback
  • Dimensions: 203 mm x 135 mm
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